Facing problems


    weren't expecting this problem but it's one we have to deal with. The music we choose for our video isn't working out. We wanted to go with separate ways by the journey. It would've been the perfect song for our film. It fits all the scenes we are including sad, happy, inspiring, etc. The problem is we have to email them to get their permission. The problem is that we emailed them and got no response back. This is a big issue because that means we can no longer use the song in any way at all. This is because it will be copywritten and we could even get sued. We didn't want any of those problems so we just decided to ditch the song as a whole. It really sucks but its just what we have to do. So now were searching for new music. if comes down worst case will have to go royalty-free. But royalty-free is supper boring and we wanted to make our film top notch. Well, research different songs anyways. we researched the same genres as before. Classic rock, rap, blues, and pop. We looked into a lot of songs by billy joel. They really interested us because of the diversity they bring. But unfortunately this late it will be difficult for him to grant us permission. So for right now its looking like we might end up with royalty-free music. Were still gonna make the most out of it and make an awsome film.


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