My groupmates are sydni Lavalle-Stablien Ayden marshal and Denton Greenleaf. I have developed an extremely strong relationship with sydni over the school year. we find each other very funny and enjoy talking to each other. This will help on the project because we will be able to work together and pair easily with each other I met Ayden through soccer I used to play soccer with his brother Luke and we met at the after-game dinners or tournaments. I met Denton just recently through a little basketball league we played in a holiday park. We choose each other because we will easily match up and work great together. This is because we all like similar things and activities. Ayden is extremely talented at drawing and will be superb at storyboard easing us through the process of making this extraordinary music video. Denton and I will be great actors for the video as we are creative and determined to do a great job done. Sydni will be a mastermind at thinking of new ideas. We also won't have a problem with any disagreements because we have great chemistry. I believe this will be an awesome project for us and we will all enjoy it a lot. I've always wanted to make a project like this with a group of friends. It will be able to bring us together and give us a stronger bond. Through the process, we will have to focus on staying on track. we will also have to learn how to overcome setbacks. When working together to create the idea we must accept all ideas. Then we will narrow them down and select the best one. This will create the best project possible. I believe if we separate out into parts we will efficiently finish the project. What I mean by this is do a little bit each day instead of working in big chunks like doing a lot one day and nothing the next. We all can get distracted very easily at times so we must remember to stay on task or work will not get done. Also through all this hard work, we must remember to have fun. if we don't have fun this project will be dreadful and no one will want to do it.


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