The beginning


    So we decided to finally begin the filming process after all this time. So we needed all of our group mates for this. We had to take a vote on what we were going to do first. It was extremely close and was half and half. Me and Ayden wanted to work on the football scene where I get injured. On the other hand, jade and ely wanted to work on the post-game interview. So we left it up to the coin toss. We wanted to make it perfect because that's all we were gonna work on for the day. I was difficult to get the correct lighting at first. This is because the sun pointed directly at us. So we had to come up with a strategy to block it. We simply turned and went the opposite way we were facing and it solved it. We began trying to get the shot of me getting injured but it was more difficult than we had initially thought. It was extremely hard to get the sound camera angle and shots right. So instead we decided to cut it up into 2 parts. One part going up and another part going down. We finally got the shot and it turned out pretty well. It took us fairly long to get it and the sun was going down. So we all celebrated and had a little meeting after. We discussed where we would shoot next and the overall plan.


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