Group Blog


This year my group consists of a couple different people. For starters, a new person im working with is jade. I've known jade since preschool and I've just recently become friends with her over last school year. She really really loves the gym and she's been consistently going to the gym for 3 years. She's also an extremely hard worker as she has 2 jobs. This shows how she's going to be a vital teammate. Ely is a friend I made last year through English class last year. We have a ton in common including being Jewish and were both on the boy's varsity football team. I believe ely is gonna be an awesome addition to our team since hes so creative and an awesome team player. Last but not least we have Ayden. Ayden is by far the best teammate you could ask for. Always reliable and doing the right thing. He's super creative with filming, editing, and creating new ideas. I believe this group is going to be awesome. I know we will all work together well since we're all friends. One thing I will do is make sure we are on task when we are working. Since we are such good friends I know how easy it's going to be to get sidetracked. Thats while ill keep alert that we are getting our work complete. when working together to create an idea we must accept all ideas. Then we will narrow them down and select the best one. This will create the best project possible. I believe if we separate out into parts we will efficiently finish the project. What I mean by this is do a little bit each day instead of working in big chunks like doing a lot one day and nothing the next.lso through all this hard work, we must remember to have fun. if we don't have fun this project will be dreadful and no one will want to do it. Hopefully, we can develop better friendships throughout the project and we are excited about the final task.


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