changes from the film review

Once again we talked over amongst our groupmates. We decided who was going to have to do what. We made sure everyone got an even piece of work. This is so no one was overloaded with work. Also, it was to make sure there wasn't just one person doing nothing. We started with the editing. Luke Hamill highlighted that this was the piece of the film that needed the most work. The transitions were choppy and slow. We struggled with the transitions because we became stuck. We had no clue how to fix it. So I did some research and came to the solution of speed and timing. I was able to figure that out because of youtube videos. We speed up and timed the clips perfectly to get them looking perfect. Next, we started to work on the sounds of the film. Now this fix was a much easier fix than the last. I didn't require much thinking or energy. All we had to do was pick different music to use. The last problem was fixing the lighting of the film. now, this was a pretty easy fix. All it required was to go to the settings of the editing clips and adjust the contrast, saturation, and more. After our team looked over everything to make sure it was ok. After I decided to get to work on my blogs.


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