The Filming Continues

 We Travel back to Ayden's house to finish what we have started. The main thing we have to work on is the dialogue. We started filming the scenes with me and Leo. The scene is me and Leo watching a movie when I get an unexpected phone call. I then answer the phone call and it turns out to be my girlfriend for the film. As I answer it the expression on my face is supposed to be confused then turn angry. It was a wee bit difficult to film as there was a lot of commotion going on in the house. It took many attempts but we ended up getting the perfect shot. The next clip that had to be filmed was me shouting back as I become enraged. It demonstrates the dialogue as I am leaving the kid unattended to. Then we worked on Sydni's part. Her part consisted of speaking over a phone and going back and fourth to carry on with the conversation from the previous filming. This is because Sydni is playing my girlfriend in the film. And it shows he distracting me leaving the kid unattended to. After we started to look and research editing. We look at cool designs and layout platforms we could use. After looking at some editing we will look over all of the clips. We will see wethier it needs to be refilmed. If its fixable we will just edit over it. After i worked on all of my blogs.


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