filming madness

 It started as we discussed what we were going to film today. Then we went into the plans on where to do it. After figuring that out we discussed how are we gonna get there. We decided we were gonna go to Ayden's house right after school and his parents would take us. We then would walk to holiday park. We got to Ayden's house but we had to wait for Leo to show up. Leo is the little kid who goes missing in the film. When he arrived we then walked over to Holliday park. We started filming The opening scenes. These consisted of me playing tag with Leo. It took a few try's to get it down but we eventually got it down. One main reason we kept messing up is because we weren't serious and i could not hold a straight face. We then got it down but unfortunately Leo was lurking in the background. This would mess up the film and it wouldn't make sense. After that we filmed the shots of me finding and capturing him. After we filmed a important shot of me walking away with him to show I'm his babysitter. After those scenes we moved on to the part where he gets dragged away. We did this on purpose to because we were already at the park so we could just film it. Ayden filmed as I dragged him away. I made sure not to pull him to fast because we are on turf so he does not get turf burn. After we went back to Ayden's to work on more tasks and plan for the next day of film.


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