editing the Oscar award


After all the filming and all the planning we started on the editing process. Ayden was supposed to be the main editor but he was busy. So we decided as a group for who would do most of the editing. I didn't have much to do that day so I decided to volunteer. I looked over all the clips and looked at what we had. Then i got to work. I started by getting all the videos into one place. This is so everything would be more organized. Then I started working on them individually. I had to import a sound into the clips at the right time. we couldn't get any emails back about the music. So instead we had to use royalty free music. Then i started on the transitions on the clips. We had to make sure everything ran smoothly and looked good. The editing got very difficult at times. I took up a lot of storage on my laptop. This made my experience editing very difficult at times. My computer even crashed at moments. Then i worked on the small fix ups. I made the background clearer and everything that could have a finishing touch to it. The i wrapped everything up and i was done.


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