Genre Decision


My group decided to go with the thriller genre. This was for many reasons. One of which being that we enjoy this genre the most. It is very importatn that you enjoy what oyu are creating so that the product can be as authentic as possible. Another reason was that it is harder to devolop a plot line , or the begining of one, in just two minutes in a genre like comedy or drama, which will gnerally have a longer exposition. We believe that choosing the thriller genre will increase our intrest in the project, henceforth leading to a better overall result. We already have many  ideas in mind. Incuding where we will shoot it. The music we will use. And even how we will edit it. Choosing the thriller blog we can do all the things we want to. One thing that we espically enjoyed about the genre as a group is the costumes. With a conventional thriller you can have a little more fun in terms of the costume and make up. You get the oppertunity to think more outside the box. As well as have more creative freedom. There are things we want to aviod however. In a lot of thrillers we find the acting over done and cringe. There are exceptions of course, but in a lot of cases for thrillers the acting is not to our prefrence. We will try as a group to not do this. We will write a script so that we avoid being shocked becuase we find this is when it is harder to act. We have to make this project as realist as possible. However this is only a minor setback for major comeback. And i am very excited to see what our final product is like.


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