genre convention John wick


  • For the thriller genre option, John Wick used many extreme close-ups. Entering onto the face of the protagonist for suspense purposes. John Wick also used action shots. That is the main premise of the fighting and violence within the movie. Combining this with tracking shots. Whenever John Wick was running the camera would follow him in a eye-level tracking shot. The costumes matched traditional thriller costumes. John Wick dresses in a slick and well fit suit. Along with his enemies dressing the same. The men in suits and the women in dresses. The movie used low light. Very dark settings. As well as the use of rain. To create a somber mood. 
  • We really liked the low light. Whenever movies like The Lighthouse use low light, that is very interesting. In our opinion movies that require serious, dark acting, should be usually shot in low light. For some reason we could never imagine a comedy or romance movie shot in low light. It would seem out of the box. Maybe a Woody Allen movie. 
  • Something that was not enjoyable was the costumes. While theses types of costumes worked for this movie, we would love to see a thriller movie without such sleek dresses. Have you ever seen someone rob a bank or fight off zombies dressed in pajamas? We haven't either. Movies like Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World are thriller/action/comedy. The characters dress pretty relaxed and normal in that movie. 


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