genre convention Dark Knight

 The Dark Knight

- A common camera angle used is a close-up. Close-ups like in the scene where the joker is being interrogated, or when the detective is leaving the room. This shows emotion is the charcters. Another common angle used is the dutch tilt. This creates a sense of uneasiness for the audience and foreshadows to what might happen next. Over the shoulders, shots are commonly used to. They show equality between the character, adn even though they are fighting, they are equal to each other. The lighting used is dark, creating a menacing and dangerous mood symbolizing the jokers character to the audience. Batman was dressed in his superhero coastume which is all black to create fear, adn whn he was not wearing his batman costume, he was wearing a dark suit, to still keep the dar mood. The dark mood was also elevated by the setting. Low, dark lights and rain were added to the scenery of a tall city. The acting was very serious as comomn for the genre. Props used were weapons, "nice", expansive cars, and masks, which are all common for the genre.

- We really enjoyed the dutch shot. This added to not only the thrilling feel of the movie, but also to the level of sophhistication. When ever it was used it captured all of our attentions really well. We would like to be able to use this in our short film.

- One aspect i did not enjoy if the elements of this film was the costumes. While the villins costumes and the protagasnists were great. All the other charcteres seemed to ordinary for this type of film. I wish the  costue designer would have went more over the top, with the rich dressign richer to really show the level of posh being repersented in the movie. 


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