filming at my house

We had been planning this day for a while, so we had everything already set. We had the storyboard to guide us through and we had 3 people in our group. These people consisted of me, Ayden, and Sydni. We were missing Denton a key piece to our group. It was hard to film without Denton in our group, so we compromised with Luke Hamill. He helped us direct the film, making it a lot easy. We started by filming the part were im driving, it was exceedingly difficult as I'm not the best driver. It was very scary because i had to worry about no crashing but also had to act. I also could not be serious i was laughing the whole time. We ended up getting all the filming done for that certain piece. Then we worked on the part where she is breaking up with me. We filmed me yelling at her and then she slapped me in the face. The next clip is her storming out of the house looking extremely angry. She ended up slapping me hard and it hurt bad. But it does help our film look ten times better. After filming these keep pieces, we looked over what we had filmed. We noticed that some of the shots needed to be filmed again because they weren't right. We did some trimming and editing to see how they would fit into the video. After we discussed where and when we going To film next. We came down to the conclusion that we were goanna film at the beach to film us getting back togetherAfter we said we'd film sometime next week. 


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