
 Scene 1: Trevor and Sydney have gotten into an argument. She ends up slapping trevor across the face setting the dioluge for the film

Scene 2: Sydni storms off as she is furious. Trevor is laying there in complete sadness. the camera zooms into trevor and shows how he lower my head to portray how sad he is.

Scene 3: Jump cuts to trevor driving in a car on the road. The camera shot is over the shoulder to gradually show how he is about to have flashbacks of times when he was very happy

Scene 4: quickly zooms into Trevor's head and jump cuts to a memory of him and Sydney on the couch with the cam behind the tv, slowly pan.

Scene 5: Jumpcut back to trevor driving cam positioned just like scene 3. Quickly zooming into Trevor's head for transition.

Scene 6: jump cut to trevor and sydni ice skating camera tracks the subjects, positioned medium length away.

Scene 7: camera cuts to a close-up of sydni crashing into the wall when the music step to bleep out out the curse. You here in the crash

scene 8: cuts again to trevor driving. Same transitions as before with zooming quickly into his head.

Scene 9: cuts to him and syndi walking the dog from a medium angle and the cam is slightly raised.

Scene 10: cuts back to trevor driving but this time he cuts the wheel and turns around. Cam slowly transitions from the over-the-shoulder shot.

Scene 11: cuts to trevor opening the car door and running out cam tracking him as he starts to run.

 Scene 12; cuts to a close-up of a full body shot of trevor running. The camera tracks backward to follow him.

Scene 13: cuts again to a medium-wide shot of trevor running with the background and the view.

Scene 14: Another cut to a medium-wide shot this time from a side view of the subject with water in the background.

Scene 15: cut to a close-up full body shot of trevor and he stops running with signs of tire.

Scene 16: cut to an extreme close-up of Trevors lifting his head as he notices sydni.

Scene 17: cut to a medium shot that slowly zooms in as trevor and sydni run into each other.

Scene 18: A the music video ends trevor ad sydni hug and the camera slowly pans and zooms slightly.

Scene 19: end on a black screen


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