Planning Blog


Props wise, for our music video to Kid Cudis pursuit of happiness the main prop we will use will be a car. We may After discussing our music video idea, we will not need many props, we will mainly be utilizing our surroundings in our locations. For one of the scenes, we decided we will film at the beach for this we would include a towel. Another scene will be filmed in a house for these scenes we will be using props such as a couch. 



In our music video, there will be two main actors. For the scenes shot in the locations such as the car and house, they will have on casual clothing. For the scene at the beach they will be in normal beach 

attire such as bathing suits. 



On 11/9/21 we began the project and wrote our Intro and Group blogs and picked the song

On 11/11/21 we reviewed the genre and the common features that were in similar videos

On 11/15/21 we planned out our video and created our storyboard

On 11/17/21 we will polish off all of the lighting, wardrobe, and technical issues

On 12/3/21 we will film

On 12/5/we will edit/ add finishing touches

Location List

Our main location area would be the beach we would film the beginning of the film at the beach to get the tone started. At the beach, we will be able to emphasize a good dialogue and create certain moods. we would film our two actors arguing and developing the journey to find happiness.

The second location would be in the car. This will show the main actor driving and it will emphasize our actor's mood. This also signals how the actor is on a  journey to find happiness. Also during the driving, the actor will go through different memories as he reaches different destinations.

Backup plan

If the weather is not good or to our liking, we will relocate to an area under a stable roof. This will help us be able to film if it's raining. also, we may be able to use the bad weather to create a more sad mood this would be something we would not be able to get from nice weather. If there is a member in our group absent for filming and acting we will swap positions being cameraman/ camera women so everyone will still be able to be in the film.


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