filming review


    I gathered my group together so we could discuss something important. We discussed how we were going to know if the film was filmed to perfection. We discussed who would be the best person to analyze our film. After discussing the overall verdict was Matthew Seyoum. He has a lot of experience in the filming and editing department. He works professionally editing youtubes videos mostly being gaming videos but he also does a lot short films. It was very difficult to send it as it took up a ton of storage. My computer couldn't handle the huge file and it crashed. Finally after multiple try's it worked and I was able to send it to him. He reviewed it carefully and made sure to right down notes of the pros and cons. He was very CRITICAL about our film and said there is a lot to do. He mainly focused on the editing portion of the film. He said the transitions must be cleaner and sharper. This way we can professional film. He disliked the sounds we used a lot as well. He said they did not fit the filming mood. Then I made a mental note in my mind that i should go back and fix this. One other critical note he made was the brightness was to low. With a brighter brightness we are able to make the film more clear. By making it more clear we are able to show the pure emotion of the actors. After all the notes he gave me i made sure to write them down. Then i alerted my groupmates and told them we have some work to do. Then we split up the jobs of people.


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