final editing


    Another piece of the overall project that we had to work on was the title design. The title design is one of the most important parts because it hooks the reader in. So we made sure to spend a lot of time and perfect it. We had our title chosen from the planning and everything. But one big problem is we were contradicting ourselves if it was good or not. We kept discussing if the title was still good. After a lot of discussion, we still couldn't come to a simple verdict. So what we did was we talked over with our group and decided on a vote. It was either we change it or keep it the same. We decided to just keep it the same. Then we split up into different things to work on. I started on implementing the title. I had to work on the transition and the colors of the words. I had to make sure the timing was right and it couldn't be to long or to short. Then i had to make sure the word color fit with the theme of the film. After I started to work on introducing the actors, directors, filming crew etc..... This was a bit more difficult as I required the most precise timing through the beginning of the film. It was very difficult because if it was just to long they wouldn't all fit. Also if it was to short it would look weird. After i wrapped everything up and made sure everything was in tip-top shape. I don't want any flaws in our blog because i know Cambridge will see it. After i started to work on my blog.


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