Showing posts from April, 2022
Final Task
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The Third project was very fun to do and turned out extremely successful. There was not as many road block as there were for the project before. I believe not only did I complete a big project but I also had fun. I had a lot of fun filming with friends and overall working on the project. I also learned a lot as well I developed new editing skills as the process went along. There were few road blocks but the main ones were Sydni's acting. It was very dry and showed no emotion so we had to reshoot multiple times. The computer kept crashing we were running it off of an old computer and the files were so big that it caused it to crash. Lastly It took me a while to figure out how to upload the film to my documents. Overall I'm so glad i got to share these awesome memories with my group and complete this awesome project.
Music to my ears.
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The music we had planned through the blog was upbeat jazz. Ayden was a strong believer in these certain songs. We spent hours on hours see how we can officially use them. After all the researching we found that we have to email them and get there response or approval to be able to be approved. So me Ayden and ben all sent thought through emails to each person. We made sure were polite and kind with our words. This is so we had a better chance for them to approve our email. After many days we began to become worried that they wouldn't see it. After a couple more days everyone began inpatient and annoyed. Then we came to the verdict that they were not going to respond unfortunately. So we met with our group once more and discussed what else we could do. We decided to research what other music we could use. Then we realized we could use royalty free music. It doesn't sound as good as the upbeat jazz but its better than nothing. There were tons of songs to choose from so our group ...
editing the masterpiece
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Another piece of the overall project that we had to work on was the title design. The title design is one of the most important parts because it hooks the reader in. So we made sure to spend a lot of time and perfect it. We had out title chosen from the planning and everything. But one big big problem is we were contradicting ourselves if it was good or not. We kept discussing if the title was still good. After a lot of discussing we still couldn't come to a simple verdict. So what we did was we talked over with our group and decided on a vote. It was either we change it or keep it the same. We decided to just keep it the same. Then we split up into different things to work on. I started on implementing the title. I had to work on the transition and the colors of the words. I had to make sure the timing was right and it couldn't be to long or to short. Then i had to make sure the word color fit with the theme of the film. After I started to work on introducing the actors, dir...
changes from the film review
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Once again we talked over amongst our groupmates. We decided who was going to have to do what. We made sure everyone got an even piece of work. This is so no one was overloaded with work. Also, it was to make sure there wasn't just one person doing nothing. We started with the editing. Luke Hamill highlighted that this was the piece of the film that needed the most work. The transitions were choppy and slow. We struggled with the transitions because we became stuck. We had no clue how to fix it. So I did some research and came to the solution of speed and timing. I was able to figure that out because of youtube videos. We speed up and timed the clips perfectly to get them looking perfect. Next, we started to work on the sounds of the film. Now this fix was a much easier fix than the last. I didn't require much thinking or energy. All we had to do was pick different music to use. The last problem was fixing the lighting of the film. now, this was a pretty easy fix. All it requir...
Film Review
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So after communicating with my group. We discussed how we were going to know if the film was filmed to perfection. We discussed who would be the best person to analyze our film. After discussing the overall verdict was Luke Hamill. He has a lot of experience in the filming and editing department. It was very difficult to send it as it took up a ton of storage. My computer couldn't handle the huge file and it crashed. Finally after multiple try's it worked and I was able to send it to him. He reviewed it carefully and made sure to right down notes of the pros and cons. He was very CRITICAL about our film and said there is a lot to do. He mainly focused on the editing portion of the film. He said the transitions must be cleaner and sharper. This way we can professional film. He disliked the sounds we used a lot as well. He said they did not fit the filming mood. Then I made a mental note in my mind that i should go back and fix this. One other critical note he made was the brig...