

Scene 1- This scene demostrates the emotion of the childs face backtracking to follow him running.

scene 2- this scene demonstrates a close up of the babysitters legs running backwards tonfollow.

Scene 3-side angle close upmof trevors leg following him running.

Scene 4- close up of of little kids face. He turns his head into an over the sholder shot. This is showing the scenes going back and fourth with the babysitter and the child.

Scene 5-Close up babysitters face lookin, through eyebrows to appear meanacing to represent predetor and prey.

Scene 6- Babysitter yells and shoves little kid to the ground, wide side angle, music stops.

Scene 7- little kid falls to ground, high angle.

Scene 8-medium shot babysitter helps up little kids.

Scene 9-Wide angle as they walk away

Scene 10-Over the shoulder shot of babysitter and kid watching a movie.

Scene 11- Medium shot of the babysitter demostrates the kid on the couch. The is sleeping in the meantime.

Scene 12-high angle of an incoming calk from someone on the babysitters phone.

Scene 13- In a medium shot, the camera switches over to the babysitter looking suprised and picking up the phone.

Scene 14- Medium trecking shot of babysitter getting up and picking up the phone while walking away into the scenery

Scene 15-Split screen eye level shot of the babysitters girlfriend screaming at him. Angry Because he isnt home yet.

Scene 16- In a eye level shot the camera shows the kid staring at the window in awe.

Scene 17- A man shows up in the window in a over the shoulder shot.

Scene 18-Screen goes black for a second and man is gone.

Scene 19- Back to the phone call between the babysitter and his girlfriend. He is speechless.

Scene 20-A medium shot is used to show the couch empty of the kid.

Scene 21The camera zooms in abruptly to represent a suprise in a empty couch.

scene 22- There will be a split screen with two of the main arguing setting up the plot

scene 23-  A black screen will show with sound building suspense
scene 24-  This will be an eye level tracking shot of the little kid being dragged away aggressively 
scene 25- Another black screen will appear creating more suspense leaving the audience on edge 
scene-26- The kid will continue to be dragged except the shot will be closer up. 
scene 27- this scene will be a black screen which will be used to transition to the title screen
scene 28- The first scene is part of the title, It is only the part of the title "Sign of the"
scene 29- In this scene the second part of the title appears so the full title is on the screen "Sign of the Devil"
scene 30- Is a black screen which will be used as a transition. 
scene 31- There will be a door as well as flashing lights to set the mood.
scene 32-  There camera will dutch tilt while zooming in on the door
scene 32- The camera will continue to tilt emphasizing the door


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