Title design Research: Thriller

1.     How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones?

There are a total of 4 titles in the opening sequences all consisting of the filming productions that helped contribute to the development of the movie.

2.     What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel)

The connotations don't carry much at all they don't provide a mood or a feel that the situation is creating.

3.     How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)

The genre is reinforced by the words being in old creepy style letters, also it is very slow the transitions over the thriller style music.

4.     What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

Conventions used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience include spooky and frightening in the opening clips. This is portrayed by the slow and mischievous music and also the old design letter choice.


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