Research design shows us what title sequences were nominated for emmys and won emmys this year and past. King adn country won the design emmy in 2021 for The Good Lord Bird. Blake Neely won most outstanding music for main title theme for The Flight Attendent. It was the first emmy win for Efrain Montanez. As well as his first nommination. In this webiste you can also explore diffrent desginers and studios. For example, Henry Chang. And Chiodo Bros. Henry Chang designed for Netflix, Hbo and more. Some of his designs are Castle Rock, Gypsy, and Vinyl. Chiodo bros designs for the likes of, Elf, Killer klowns From Outer Space, and the Simpsons. Shows us interviews with diffrent desginers. One of which is Aaron Becker. Becker is one of the most prolific designers of the past ten years. He designed for the likes of, Swamp Thing, Aquaman, And Mission Impossible. During the begining of his carrer he worked in the capcity of movies like speed racer, Iron Man, and Tropic Thunder. Since he has served as main title desginer for over over 40 movies and TV shows. In 2010 he co founded Becker Design. Some of those films have been, Doctor Sleep, Rambo: Last Blood. And my personal favorite, the conjuring. On this website you can also find diffrent sequences for induvidual movies.


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